[Review] Skinfood - Black Bean Nose Pack

October 17, 2014

Blackhead is an annoying form of acne, and they just keep growing no matter how many time our itchy hand squeeze it and its painful squeezing it! 
I've tried many other kind of blackhead remover, for example brand like BIORE or any kind from the drugstore, but i still believe that Skinfood one works the best! Black bean nose pack is meant to remove stubborn black head! 

i bought 3 packet for 10000won! 

Brown paper outer packaging with 7 pieces of nose pack in it 

Each packaging inside have the direction of using the nose pack

"A nose pack that contain black bean extract and help exfoliate dead skin cells, unclog pores and help eliminate blackhead"  

Before using the nose pack. Nose pack stick on a clear film.

Sorry for the disgusting image
, please bear with it But look at the result! Those blackhead stick firmly to it.

Time for some pros and cons~~~

Pros (What i like)
  • So far this is the best nose pack I've ever tried, like i mention earlier it really remove stubborn black head!
  • For Singapore skinfood I know it is retailing at $12 per packer for 7 pieces so approximately its $1.70 per pieces. The price may be a little pricey for some of you but to me its pretty okay considering the result it have.
  • There is a scent to the nose pack, and you will be smelling it for 15 mins haha! but its not too overwhelming so don't worry, i kinda like it actually.
Cons(What i dislike)

  • I guess the only thing that i dislike is...my nose felt itchy for a few mins after pulling off the nose pack. This doesnt work for all people , maybe its just me pulling it off too hard or my nose is really sensitive. But washing my face with facial cleanser does help :) 
Other more info/tips?
YES! there is always tips ;)
  •  For guys you may feel free to try this product as i understand guys tend to have more blackhead than women. I've got a friend using this and it works well on him,(no itch for him like i do T.T)  
  • Scrub your nose/face before doing this nose pack helps to soften the black head.
  • Since the 7 packets came with plastic & direction on it, it make it easy for people to bring a few pieces out for trip with them! 
Alright, i hope my review helps for people looking for good nose pack :) always go to online website that ship worldwide if your country doesnt have Skinfood :) thank you for reading and stay pretty ladies. Sorry for not updating last week! 

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